Seeking to reach the world with the gospel through adoption funding

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One More Ministries is a nonprofit ministry that seeks to reach the world with the gospel through means of adoption funding. Our desire is to seek out and help fund Spirit-led families that are committed to raising children under the authority of scripture and answering God's call to adopt. Just as our Heavenly Father so beautifully chose and adopted us through his Son, Jesus, our prayer is that every orphan, who has been created in His image, will be brought into these forever families to know the truth and love of Jesus and will one day confess Him as their Lord and Savior. This will not only eternally impact the life of the child, but we pray will impact the world around them for Christ and impact the generations to come.



We praise God that the choice was made to give an orphan life, but know that a child left in institutional care will not get to experience the love of a father and mother as God intended.  As followers of Jesus Christ, the Bible tells us that the church body is to care for “the least of these” of which orphans are specifically named.  While this does not mean that everyone is called to adopt, it does give charge that all play a role in caring for them. 

The cost of adoption is often the biggest obstacle that families must overcome during the process and can even deter couples who are exploring and/or researching adoption.  That cost typically ranges between $25,000 and $40,000.  Our desire is to build a connection amongst all members in the church through adoption funding.  Donors respond in stewardship by using their resources for kingdom work, while that financial support then affirms those who are answering their call to adopt.  Everyone is blessed and God is glorified.



One More Ministries will work with churches and related organizations to help financially support Christ following families who are in the process of adopting.  Applicants will be vetted, and when grants are awarded they will be paid directly to the adoption agency that a family is working with.  We would love to be able to give as much as possible, to as many as possible, but grants are dependent on donations.  If you are willing to partner with us, you can donate directly through the DONATE tab.  One-time donations can be made either via credit card or PayPal, while recurring donations can be setup through PayPal.



In love He predestined us for adoption to himself as sons through Jesus Christ

Ephesians 1:5

